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The Time

What is time?

"Time is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future." - Wikipedia

If you had to answer it, what would you say? It's a measurement to measure the process of continuous action? or maybe something like that... 

Surprisingly, only branch to study time such intensively is Physics. Most physicist would agree that time is most difficult property of universe to understand and dream for Science-Fiction lovers.
even in most complex models, time is considered to be 'basic' and independent of everything. Though many prove Time dilation and time-travel.

In general science time is considered as an unit of measurement: simply what the clock reads(yes, doctor checking heart beat rate on his clock ;-) ). however in physics time is considered to be and everdivisible linear continuum. this has lead to such high precisions of up to freaking 10-15seconds this is error of  just 1 second in 30 Million years using modern atomic standards like TAI and UTC.

Wait, something's wrong here physics cant go so simply like this. there are many conceptions and application.

In non-relavistic or classical physics, the concept used is absolute time (Newton baba's stuff). it actually matches with our old age sayings- "Time And Tide Waits For None". its independent of all Moh-Maya and is constant. it stays simple when calculating things like speed velocity and other similar things and accord the most common people's brain.

Since the 20th century the addition of relavistic time has become an norm in physics. this was an epic move in history of time this lead to theories of  Time Dilation for fast moving objects, Gravitational time dilation for masses caught in extreme gravitational fields. Rise of Idea that time is the also the element of Four-Dimensional space system and a never ending fantasy for Science-fiction lovers.

Quantum mechanics revolutionised time in first half of the 20th century, and till now represents the most accurate model of time. Thought time is not centre in quantum physics unlike Newtonian physics. and time unlike other things in quantum world does not have its own quanta.

Its fairly true to belive that time had an origin probably with the big bang, but there are many interpretations such as Copenhagen , and many worlds interpretation. Some of them include mind-bending ideas like multiverse and time arrow theory.

I'll be posting more on "Time" soon, stay tuned.



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